Monday, October 13, 2008

One Week and Counting!!

I have tried so hard for the last year and a half plus, to keep my spirits up, no matter how bad I feel. Over the weekend, I had a couple of break downs. There are days that I feel as if Depression is trying to set in. I only have exactly one week until my appointment at Emory. We leave next Monday evening and My appointment is at 8:30 on Tuesday morning. My only fear is that Emory won't have any answers. I told Robbie that If I walk away from Emory with no answers, that just may be my breaking point. So please pray for answers and a resolution. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for this Friday. We are trying to find answers any where we can. LOL! I am having my colonoscopy because I am having continued weight loss. I had and upper GI done during one of my many hospital stays and they found nothing. So they are going to check out the other end. I have lost 35 pounds and counting. Not that I mind the weight loss, just not this way. I think the reason I am able to stay so positive is because of my loving husband. He has always believed in me even when the doctor's found nothing. He has made me feel as if it is o.k. to be sick and we will find an answer. He has graciously taken care of the boys and allowed me to rest. No matter how tired Robbie is, He still takes over the majority of the household responsibility. and he cares for me and the boys along with working full time. Plus, he puts up with my frustration, which I take out on him because he is the closest to me. It is never frustration about him, but always frustration because of the daily pain I go through. I Love you Robbie!

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