Thursday, October 9, 2008

Helping out when times are tough!

I saw the coolest thing on Oprah. The economy has really been frustrating me. I started back to work this past summer, but it still seems like Robbie and I are stretching every dollar to make ends meet. I wanted to, not only help our family by bringing in an extra pay check, but I wanted to find ways to save our family money. There was a lady on Oprah who was called the "Coupon Lady". This may be old news to some of you, but I tried it today and it works. Yesterday I sat down and made my grocery list. I usually allot 200.00$ every paycheck for food and Walmart. After making out my list, I went on line and typed in Kroger coupons. There was over 500,000 sites. I was able to down load coupons to my Kroger Plus card and print additional coupons to clip and use. I used them at Kroger today and saved 45.11$. I was impressed. The next step is to, instead of making out a list of what we use and need, to make a list and plan our meals according to what is on sale that week at Kroger. Never pay full price. Then use coupons on top of what is on sale. I could save even more. Another trick we are trying, is to unplug everything in our house. If we aren't using it, unplug it. Including TV's, the computer, Lamps. Our electric bill is too high, and even if something may not be on, if it is plugged in, it is still drawing energy from the circuit. I will let you know how much money we save by doing this. It is a pain, but if it works, we will do it.

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