Monday, March 9, 2009


It has been a while since I posted an entry. I don't even know if anyone still follows me or not. We have been so busy around here. I was only supose to go back to work 2 nights a week. well that turned into 30 hours a week. The boys are busy in Mother's Morning Out. We registered Avery for K-4 at a local Private school. I can't believe we have one starting school. Avery just started Wee-Ball. It's T-ball for 3 & 4 year olds. He is on the Cubs. His first game is March 14. We have only had practice once a week. The first practice he got bored and gave up. but he is doing better now and really likes "baseball". Ayden potty trained himself recently. I was going to get started with him this summer, but he decided he wanted to be like his big brother. We still have accidents but he is doing very well. This is a quick catch-up on our busy lives.

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